• A. S. Akimenko, Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Agricultural Kursk Research Center"
  • V. I. Sviridov, Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Agricultural Kursk Research Center"
  • T. A. Dudkina, PhD in Agricultural Sciences Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Agricultural Kursk Research Center"
  • N. V. Dolgopolova, Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Agricultural Kursk Research Center"


The purpose of the study is to identify significant patterns in the use by crops of natural resources of yields and fertilizers, suitable for decision support through the use of digital technologies. The results are as follows: a method is proposed for predicting the yield of grain crops, taking into account the moisture supply of crops and nitrogen norms in the composition of mineral fertilizers, based on a regular relationship between the energy accumulated by crops and water consumption; comparison of the annual predicted yield values with the experimental ones obtained in the stationary experiment on typical heavy loamy chernozem confirmed statistical reliability of the yield forecasts for spring barley and winter wheat, sown after reliable predecessors that provide timely and vigorous shoots; the productivity of crop rotations, calculated on the basis of the regular relationship between the exchange energy and the nitrogen content in the marketable part of the yieldby the input of fertilizers into the soil, coincided with the actual productivity with sufficient accuracy; the economic and environmental effect against the background of equalrates of mineral fertilizers turned out to be the smallest and the largest ones, respectively, in the grain-fallow-row crop and field crop rotations. The presence of patterns for predicting yields and reproducing soil fertility allows, at the stage of designing specific crop rotations (also during their modernization), using digital technologies, to choose the most economically feasible of the possible crop rotation schemes in relation to specialization, financial condition and infrastructure of agricultural enterprises. A prerequisite for making adequate decisions at the same time, there is the absence of obviously unacceptable alternations in the crop rotation.


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How to Cite
AKIMENKO, A. S. et al. PATTERNS FOR DIGITALIZATION OF GRAIN CROP PRODUCTION IN THE CROP ROTATIONS OF THE CENTRAL BLACK EARTH REGION FOREST-STEPPE. Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science, [S.l.], n. 5, p. 4-9, jan. 1970. ISSN 2500-2082. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi: