• D. N. Radnaev, Grand PhD in Engineering Sciences Philippov V.R the Buryat State Academy of Agriculture
  • B. B. Tsybikov, PhD in Agricultural Sciences Philippov V.R the Buryat State Academy of Agriculture
  • D.-Ts. B. Badmatsyrenov, PhD in Engineering Sciences Philippov V.R the Buryat State Academy of Agriculture


Today, the issues of ecology, resource conservation and reduction of production costs in agriculture are associated with the development of combined tillage - sowing machines, which make it possible to reduce a number of technological techniques. Taking into account these factors makes it possible to equip agricultural enterprises with means of mechanization adapted to the specific conditions of their production use. Therefore, a promising direction is the development of universal and combined machines, that is, technical means of mechanization capable of performing several technological operations in one working cycle or, after relatively simple retrofits, ensuring the consistent execution of a number of operations. To carry out experimental studies, an installation was developed and manufactured, which is a combined machine that provides pre-sowing tillage, strip spreading sowing, mineral fertilizers and post-sowing rolling. Using the experimental planning method, mathematical models have been developed that link factors such as the speed of the unit, the angle of attack of the coulter's paw, the depth of the coulter's paw when optimizing the degree of soil crumbling, pruning of weeds, changes in soil hardness. Analysis of mathematical models shows that factors in a certain way affect the quality of tillage (crumbling, hardness, pruning of plants). In the first place in terms of significant importance is the speed of movement. The degree of pruning of plants depends on the angle of attack. As for the depth of processing, this factor has practically no effect on the degree of pruning of weeds. This can be explained by the fact that the root system is located at a shallow depth. For other cultures, this factor may play a significant role.


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How to Cite
RADNAEV, D. N.; TSYBIKOV, B. B.; BADMATSYRENOV, D.-Ts. B.. RESEARCH OF THE COMBINED SOWING WORKING BODY. Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science, [S.l.], n. 3, p. 98-102, jan. 1970. ISSN 2500-2082. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi: