• I. V. Semin, PhD in Agricultural Sciences All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding


The article presents the results of agrotechnical research to optimize the technology of growing intensive-type seed stocks based on quince of ordinary VNIISPK breeding and improving the quality of grown seedlings in nursery conditions in order to intensify the production of pear varieties in Central Russia. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the seed productivity of quince of ordinary selection of VNIISPK is almost 8-10 times higher than that of pear, which is most often used as a seed stock in the central part of Russia. Selected forms of quince of ordinary selection of VNIISPK are quite hardy, able to grow and bear fruit in the conditions of the Orel region and can be used as seed rootstocks of pears. Technological methods of preliminary preparation and stratification of quince seeds and methods of growing seed crops for pears in artificial ridges have been developed and optimized. The advantage of using artificial ridges for growing quince seedlings in nursery conditions is shown. Experimentally selected the most reasonable methods of growing common quince, seed sowing schemes, timing and optimal stages of seed development for sowing, providing the best germination rates and the highest yield of seed rootstocks. Based on the obtained research results, a technological scheme is proposed for growing seed rootstocks of the intensive type of VNIISPK breeding in a nursery for the subsequent propagation of pear varieties using intensive technologies in the conditions of the middle zone of Russia.


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How to Cite
SEMIN, I. V.. TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF GROWING PROMISING SEED ROOTSTOCKS FOR PEARS BASED ON COMMON QUINCE SELECTION VNIISPK. Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science, [S.l.], n. 5, p. 52-56, jan. 1970. ISSN 2500-2082. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024. doi: